Spring Epicurean Market actively encourages innovation and has been the launch pad for a number of enterprises over the past 2 years. Exciting product debuts have included: Queen Bee Wraps with her reusable beeswax food wraps that eliminate the need for plastic wrap or aluminium foil; Chef Poupee’s (fabulous) Bangers and Burgers which has graduated to a busy daily stall at the On Nut Night Market; Laemy and Jean’s Giardineria that now enjoys a cult following.
There’s also a second reason to celebrate at this 2nd Anniversary Market. Our sponsor Passion Delivery (www.passiondelivery.com) is almost 1. In just under a year this exciting new service has expanded its offering of fine, artisanal products as well as delivery locations. Passionate shoppers can now enjoy great food throughout the month.
Eating cake for breakfast is decadent. So too is a downtown tropical garden where friends, new and old, meet once a month to share fine food. ‘Many happy returns’ for all at the Spring Epicurean 2nd Anniversary Market.